
As any other research project, the Innovating Knowledge can benefit greatly from the feedback of peers and tool users. We will therefore gladly hear from you!

  • I want to suggest a new manuscript for the database corpus. Many early medieval manuscripts transmitting parts of the Etymologiae remain unidentified. We are therefore grateful for any tips about manuscripts that are missing from the Innovating Knowledge database . If you want to suggest a new manuscript, make sure it follows the three criteria for inclusion outlined on the project website. You may also check the list of ‘false friends’ that looked like potential candidates for inclusion but eventually did not meet the criteria to be included. We accept your suggestions at:
  • I want to point out an error or a gap in the description of manuscripts currently in the database. Our manuscript descriptions are often only as good as the manuscript descriptions that can be found in scholarly literature. We are aware that there are many gaps and errors that can be remedied. If you want to improve any of our manuscript descriptions, or suggest a scholarly source we did not consult yet, we accept your suggestions at:
  • I want to get in touch about something else. Please, write the project PI at: