The detailed record view

This page provides the detailed description of each field used in the detailed record view. For a shorter description of the most important new terminology in the database, you can return to the main terminology page.

ID numbers (top right corner)

Innovating Knowledge ID: our own unique ID for each of the manuscripts in the database (handy for citing the database).

Anspach: ID assigned to the manuscript in Jose Maria Fernandez Caton’s Las Etimologías en la tradición manuscrita medieval estudiada por el Prof. Dr. Anspach (1966).

Bischoff: ID assigned to the manuscript in Bernhard Bischoff’s Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des neunten Jahrhunderts (mit Ausnahme der wisigotischen) (1998-2017).

CLA: ID assigned to the manuscript in E. A. Lowe’s Codices latini antiquiores (1934-1966).

Siglum: the siglum assigned to the manuscript in extant scholarly literature.

General information about the manuscript

Date of origin: the preferred date of origin from a source indicated in brackets (unless it is a reference to Bischoff’s Katalog or the CLA, the full reference can be found in the bibliography). The field is filled in the case of all items.

Place of origin: the place where the original part of the manuscript was produced. It can be a scriptorium, a settlement, an area, or a larger region. The field is filled in the case of all items, include 26 items in which the place of origin is given as unknown.

Provenance: contains information on all later places where the manuscript was present, if possible with a time as well. Some items have multiple provenances, because they were moved to several locations. In some cases, the provenance field contains the name of a known manuscript collector (e.g., Pierre Pithou).

Folia: the number of folia that constitutes the original codicological unit which is the subject of the record view. This number may differ from the total number of folia in the manuscript, if it is constituted by multiple codicological units, or for other reasons. In all cases, the number corresponds to folia, even if the manuscript is paginated, to allow for comparison (in particular in .csv and .xxsl formats).

Page dimensions: the formula provided by this field should was established as follows:

page height x page width (writing window height x writing window width), number of lines, number of columns

In the case that the page/writing window dimensions are uneven, the range corresponding to the minimum and the maximum dimensions is provided. In the case that the number of lines is uneven, this is indicated by a range (if it is the case of a range) or by several values (if the manuscript is constituted by folia ruled out in several distinct ways).

Physical condition: Any remarks about the current physical state of the manuscript (e.g., about missing quires or restituted folia) can be found here

Script: The main script of the manuscript

Type: Lists one of the 19 types of manuscripts by a thematic focus.

  • Bible: a manuscript that contains only or mostly the text of the Bible;
  • Big Isidore: a manuscript that transmits the canonical Etymologiae;
  • Canonical collection: a manuscript that contains only or mostly canon law;
  • Classical text: a manuscript that contains only or mostly Classical texts;
  • Computus: a manuscript that contains only or mostly computistic texts;
  • Exegetical collection: a manuscript that contains only or mostly exegetical texts;
  • Glossary: a manuscript that contains only or mostly glossaries;
  • Grammatical compendium: a manuscript that contains only or mostly grammatical texts;
  • History: a manuscript that contains only or mostly historiographic texts;
  • Legal collection: a manuscript that contains only or mostly secular law;
  • Mathematical compendium: a manuscript that contains only or mostly texts about arithmetic and geometry, or agrimensores;
  • Medical compendium: a manuscript that contains only or mostly medical texts;
  • Miscellany: a manuscript without a clear genre profile;
  • Musical compendium: a manuscript that contains only or mostly texts about music;
  • Pastoral collection: a manuscript that contains only or mostly texts pertaining to the education and the office of clergy (e.g. expositions of baptism, the mass, and the Creed, catechetic texts, and homilies);
  • Scientific compendium: a manuscript that contains only or mostly texts about the natural world, which cannot be classified more narrowly as a computistic or mathematical collection;
  • Theology: a manuscript that contains only or mostly texts of Patristic and medieval theological writers;
  • Tironian notes: a manuscript that contains the Commentarii notarum Tironianum;
  • Trivium: a manuscript that contains texts pertaining to the trivium, which cannot be classified more narrowly as a grammatical collection.

Transmission format: classifies each manuscript as a codex transmitting the Etymologiae as an encyclopaedia (the canonical Etymologiae), in a different fashion (non-canonical Etymologiae), containing excerpts from Isidore’s work (excerpts), or unknown, if it cannot be assigned to either of the three categories.


Left column
Information provided in the left column refers to the material from the Etymologiae in the manuscript. The bold heading explains how the material was embedded in the codex at the time of its production, using one of the following nine labels:

  • full: an encyclopaedic copy of the Etymologiae;
  • single excerpt: transmits a chapter or less than a chapter of the Etymologiae as an isolated unit (e.g., Munich Clm 14746 contains only Etym. 5.34);
  • multiple excerpts: transmits several disjoint excerpts (e.g., Paris Lat. 3182 contains Etym. 9.6 on pp. 178-181 and a different excerpt from Etym. 7.5 on p. 304);
  • excerpt sequence: transmits several excerpts as a continuous sequence, which, however, is smaller than a book or book section (e.g., Barcelona, Ripoll 106 contains first Etym. 3.7-13 and then Etym. 1.17 on fols. 86v-89r);
  • book section: transmits a section of a specific book of the Etymologiae as a self-standing text, wholly or to a significant extent (e.g., Paris Lat. 4408 contains De legibus, the first part of book V);
  • book: transmits a book of the Etymologiae as a self-standing text, wholly or to a significant extent (e.g., Leiden, Voss. Lat. O 41 contains book I, De grammatica);
  • book sequence: transmits several complete books of the Etymologiae in a sequence next to other longer texts of other authors (e.g. Paris Lat. 7671 transmits books I and II, as well as the beginning of book III, that is the books dealing with the trivium);
  • epitome: transmits a selection of many or all books of the Etymologiae repurposed in such a way as to form an abridgement (e.g., Paris Lat. 1750 transmits such an epitome De diversis rebus on fols. 146v-152r);
  • excerpt collection: transmits a selection of some of the books of the Etymologiae, sometimes in combination with a selection from other works of Isidore or other authors, presented in a new order as a novel compilation with a clear incipit and explicit (e.g., Fulda Aa 2 transmits the pastoral collection De catholica ecclesia et eius ministris which reuses material from books VI, VII, and VIII).

Since a manuscript may contain multiple different selections from the body of the Etymologiae, the left column may contain multiple sections separated by bold headings (up to 4 per codex). They always appear in the order of the current foliation/pagination, with the exception of the few items in which leaves were clearly misplaced or mis-bound. Each heading also contains information about the books of the Etymologiae used in each content item of the manuscript. The specific chapters or chapter sections constituting each content item are listed under each heading together with the folia/pages on which they appear.

Section of the Etymologiae is indicated using a hierarchical descriptor referring to the division of the text in Lindsay’s 1911 edition of the Etymologiae. The first number always refers to the book, the second to chapter, and the third to a section in that chapter. You will notice that in some cases, the precise location of a specific chapter or chapter section is noted, and in others, more general ranges are given for the entire content item or its parts.

Additional content: if a manuscript contains other texts than just the Etymologiae, this is indicated in the right column of this part of the detailed record. Texts with known authors and titles are identified using their standard names. Short anonymous texts, as far as they represent an important part of a manuscript, are identified as:

  • grammaticalia: anonymous grammatical treatises or compilations;
  • canones: canons that are not transmitted outside of a collection, or a collection that was not widely diffused;
  • capitularia: capitularies;
  • carmina: anonymous poetry;
  • catechetica: anonymous catechetic treatises and compilations;
  • computistica: anonymous computistic treatises and compilations;
  • excerpta: anonymous excerpt collections;
  • exegetica: anonymous exegetical treatises and compilations;
  • glossaria: glossaries and other glossographic texts;
  • hagiographica: lives of saints;
  • medica: anonymous medical treatises and compilations;
  • sermones: homilies and sermons.

Innovative features

Interpolations: if a manuscript contains texts interpolated into the body of the Etymologiae, these are described and the folia on which they appear are given. A link is provided to the EtymoWiki, where more information on certain categories of interpolations will follow.

Diagrams: if a manuscript contains diagrams, these are described here.

Easter table: if a manuscript contains an Easter table as a part of Etym. VI 17, it is described in greater detail (planned as a future feature, currently left blank).

Annotations: if a manuscript contains glosses, their approximate number and language are indicated here together with a link to the digital edition produced by the Innovating Knowledge project (in case of glosses to book I).

Other innovations: if a manuscript contains other notable innovations that also appear in other manuscripts in the database, these are described here.

Larger unit: in many manuscripts, material from the Etymologiae appears embedded in a more extensive textual compilation with its own name and history. If this is the case, this compilation is identified (or briefly described). A separate page in the EtymoWiki will be created for each such compilation, providing further information about it and detailing its place in the textual history of the Etymologiae.

Related manuscripts: if an innovation described in this section links a manuscript to other manuscripts, both those included in the database and those outside it, their shelfmarks are indicated in a list under a title (in italics) indicating the reason for the relationship.

Additional information

Additional observations: any additional remarks about the manuscript, its content, etc. which could not be accommodated by the structured description are presented here.

Bibliography: provides an incomplete list of the most important publications about the manuscript. The list will be hopefully expanded in the future.

Digitized at: provides the permanent URL of the digital facsimiles, if available. In case of multiple manuscripts or existence of several sets of digital facsimiles, all of them are provided and labeled.

Additional information online: provides links to other online databases and resources about the manuscript (e.g., an online description). The source databases are identified in brackets.